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Owen Johnson Tuazama: A True Humanitarian

Berenice Mulubah | April 2, 2015  6:00am

Owen Johnson Tuazama

In acknowledgement of his "vision to increase literacy, agricultural productivity, and Women's empowerment" Owen Johnson Tuazama shifted the objective of the Nimba Association from politics to humanitarian services.  As president of the Nimba Association of New York, the largest branch in North America, Mr.  Johnson lobbies for resources to help his people back home. Over the passed year and few months, the brilliant leader has accomplished a lot. "The Nimba Association of New York has provided scholarships to students in Nimba and Monrovia, since I was elected in 2013. It was first of it's kind. Also the Association was instrumental in providing scholarship for little EMMA JAWOLO (just call her little emma) who sustained burn over 50% of her body when she, her mother and others travelling was robbed and burn by arm robbers. She survived but others didn't. She was recommended to us by Saye Maycole from the Ministry of Finance. The Nimba Association of NY was on the front line in the fight against Ebola (reuters reporter from NY reports that what the Association did was unprecedented.) The association spend money, resources, sent supplies in the fight. These are just few of many the association has done. There's a proposed plan to build a library in my honor during my retirement/ when my term is over. I have not decided if I seek another term but I will after consulting with my family."

Mr.Johnson leadership ambition extends beyond the Nimba Association.  He is also the founder of The Nimba Youth Cuscus and the Owen Johnson Development Initiative Foundation.  Owen Johnson Development Initiative is currently undertaken few projects in Nimba: Building a Women's Empowerment Center in Ganta, a $90,000 modern school in Bahn, 12 acres agriculture farm, poultry farm and a Maternity center scheduled for Butuo.

Words of Advice from Mr. Owen Johnson
  Keep your head lifted high. Any decision you make, don’t make them out of emotions. The things you do today, can become liability and embarrassment tomorrow.  Take your time and do things that will be beneficial to your life. Be a force for good and you will become a great product for advice. 

Mr. Owen Johnson ended the interview giving gratitude the two most important forces in his life, his mother and grandmother.  "My mother and grandmother are inspiration in my life.  They want to see the best for their children.  When we go through hardship as men in our family, we rush to our mothers.  My mother and grandmother have been consistent in my life.  They wiped my tears.










  1. If Owen ever did any good work, he did it for a reason. He wanted to contest in these elections. He has calculated it since. Stop using the words true humanitarian, because a humanitarian does things without the preconceived mindset of having something in return. He rally supports in the states in bring them in Liberia for his political gain. What hurts most is that those who contribute are never given credit by Owen. He puts everything in his name to give false impression about himself.


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