Berenice Mulubah, Liberian Poet and Entertainment blogger NO is a word that is sometimes difficult to utter and harder to hear. Saying YES seems to be more fun, saying yes to parties, dating, working out, work itself, shopping, brunch, online research, social media ... the list is endless. Then there are times when you have to say NO to a loved one (like friends and family), or a client. As a blogger, I find myself in both situations, having to say no to a friend or client. Blogging has been around since the late 90's, and it is growing into a billion dollar industry, yet, there are many who are unaware of what this industry is all about. Questions are expected, but it do get frustrating and annoying at times, especially when you have to explain it over and over, to the same individual. Being a Liberian Entertainment blogger, a lot of Liberian entertainers who are not knowledgeable on the job description of a blogger, mistake me for a promoter and come to...