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Inspiring Message From Soccer Superstar William Jerbor

Berenice Mulubah | October 20, 2015

William Jerbor
C Liberia Clearly spent a minute or two with the most celebrated Liberian soccer superstar of 2015, William Jerbor.  William Jerbo scored a hat-trick, breaking a 14-year record as Liberia beat Guinea Bissau in 2018 World Cup qualifier.  For those readers who don't know what a hat-trick is, here's the definition. A hat trick in soccer is when one player scores three goals in a given soccer match.

Of course, we didn't waste our minute, we came back with something inspiring from the Star.  We asked Mr. Jerbo 3 quick questions for you.  No, they are not those technical soccer questions, we were sentimental. 

                          How did it feel the Moment you scored the third goal that gave you a hat trick? 

      It was a all time high.   I felt inspired, knowing indeed God is great. It was at    that very moment I realized Who I Am.

 What does leading your team to victory means to you? 

It means so much to me and knowing that I could effect change through the handwork of God, puts my heart at ease. It allows me to put a smile on the faces of my people. My people are pulling through tough times, Wars, Ebola etc, they need a smile. 

Do you have a message for your fans and peers?

To everyone, fans, fellow players etc, let nobody tells you that you are nothing and can not reach your dreams. If you want something go and get it Period(.).  And remember "love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, love your neighbor as yourself."  Always love everyone with the love of God regardless of who they are rich or poor, Old or young. We are Children of the Most High God who make HIS Sun to shine both on the good and bad. And HIS Rain to fall both on the good and bad. So we most love everyone both good and bad, because Love is the greatest weapon and it's above all things.


  1. Humble urself bro, God will lift u up. Don't feel complacent like other Liberians up there. God lives in the heart of every humble soul.

  2. Nice interview with the player, I pray he keeps it up and stay humble.

  3. Keep focus Jebor and thanks for making us so proud. You have brought us so much joy and we wish you good success.

  4. I'm inspired jerbo... Wish us God's grace and favor.

  5. Any one can rise above all circumstances only if they are dedicated and compassionate about what they do. Jerbo from childhood had be a determine person, prayerful and always anxious to do more. committed to training and respectful to authority.......I SURELY KNEW THAT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN A HERO.......

  6. Ok, you did your best. We want to see Liberia go to the African cup of nations and only play 2 or 3 games,but also reach at least Simi or quarter final. This should be the agenda set aside by the LFA. We want to see our team competing other African giant of soccer. We are too old to be timid with one victories and jolly

  7. We are 113 years older than Ivory Coast, and 111 older than Ghana. When will we ever boast of a better soccer team? Since the prior to and after the Weah 11, Liberia have had worst team on the continent. The investment that late president Doe made in soccer beginning from 1984, is what produce 75% of the players in the WEAH 11 LONE STAR. I m sure every Liberian soccer bloger can agree with me.

  8. enjoy watching your favorite team playing only or place some bets on the team. It's really addicted actually. Gamblers might not sleep, just to stay online and bet.England Vs Belgium Sure Win FIFA World Cup 2018


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