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By Berenice Mulubah

Did you have to go to school for drawing and baking?
Well, I did take some art courses in college, which helped; but the talent has always been there. As regards baking, I’m a Pastry Chef; a graduate of the Johnson & Wales University College of Culinary Arts.
Cake designed by Arway Sayeh-Swepson

Cake designed by Arway Sayeh-Swepson
How did you know you wanted to be a cake designer
 I’ve always been very creative and have never been afraid of exploring new ideas.  As a teenager, I came across a cake decorating book and marveled at some of the designs. Right there and then, my imagination went wild.  As an Artist, I knew cake decorating was my calling. So, I began to read and practice to improve my skills.

What do you feel are the newest trends in Wedding Cake Design?
Some of the trends in Wedding cakes are Vintage Cake designs, Couture cakes, taller cakes are making a come back, Cupcake towers, cakes topped with fresh fruit,  Black & white cakes, mint color,  solid stark colors,  hand painted designs on fondant and cakes with lots of bling.  For flavor; passion fruit, chocolate orange, Red velvet
Cake designed by Arway Sayeh-Swepson
What are your strongest influences when designing a particular cake?
The bride’s flexibility and trust—giving me the “go ahead” to be creative and do a non-traditional and unique design.

Do you have a favorite combination of flavors or colors for your cakes?
My favorite and the favorite of most of my clients is Zesty Orange Rum cake with mocha filing.

Describe your favorite client.
A client that is flexible and is open to suggestions. 

Have you developed your own recipes?
Yes, I have. To name a few, the Zesty Orange-Rum cake, mentioned above; Tangy lemon coconut cake; Spice cake with sweet potato ginger filing.

How long on average does it take to put one of these cakes together?
It depends on the design…about a week or less.

Which came first, drawing or making cakes?
Drawing was my first passion.  I’ve been drawing since kindergarten and later, as a teenager, I made my first wedding cake.
Drawing by Arway Sayeh-Swepson
            Which artists influence you?

 I was influenced by the late Liberian Artist, Van Richards and a couple of African Artists.   

 Could you describe your favorite piece of art?
I visited the Rijks Museum (Holland’s national museum) in Amsterdam and was very much impressed by a painting called the “Night Watch”.  It was done by the famous Artist, Rembrandt Van Rijn.  The life-like piece covered an entire wall. It was a masterly piece of work; exquisitely and magnificently done! I marveled at how he brought so many details in the painting to life.

Do you work from life, or from photographs or from imagination?
 Most times, I work from imagination and photographs.
Drawing by Arway Sayeh-Swepson
What is the role of the artist in society?
The Artist’s role in society, I believe, is to inspire, elicit emotions, uplift spirits, transform and enlighten,

Which is more important to you, drawing, or baking?
Even though baking is more lucrative, I have a passion for both because which ever way you look at them, they are both forms of art. 

Do you have any artistic plans for Liberia?
I have not considered any plans yet.



  1. Arway was always interested in designing and drawing. Ms. Priscilla always cooked and baked on the Old Road. Those donuts were great. I will always remember those days. I will always miss you Arway. RIP

    Love you girl and thanks for your beauty inside and out.



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