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In her book, RECOMMITTED Its Not Too Late, Celi Dean reveal’s her personal experience with relationships, feelings of unworthiness, forgiveness and coming to the place of experiencing ultimate intimacy!
Ms. Dean gives a very transparent and real account of her journey while also offering sisterly advice that has helped her get to where she is today. "Ms Dean does not shy away from talking about issues that she has dealt with and that other women whether inside the church or outside of the church are dealing with.
  “Recommitted: It’s Not Too Late” is a book that is truly inspiring and an outlet for those who like Ms. Dean, have fallen, but are ready to get back up and move forward on the road to healing, deliverance and recommitment! “This indeed my sister is your time of love. To come back to your First Love, be transformed and experience the most life changing intimacy you will ever encounter on this journey called life. Will you join me on this walk...we can take it together”.- Celi Marie Dean

I haven't had the opportunity to read the book, still waiting on my copy but this is what folks are saying about the book. 

By Patrice Stephens on December 30, 2013
Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase
As a married woman reading this I never knew that I had some issues that were affecting my marriage until reading this book! God revealed so much to me! This book isn't just for single women but women looking to recommit themselves to God first! Sexual purity isn't just for single women . If you are not pure in your marriage and holding on to soul ties it can cause problems! A must read!!!
Format: Kindle Edition Amazon Verified Purchase
She was very open and honest with her personal experiences and the struggles with relationships that were not right for her.
This review is from: Recommitted: It's Not Too Late (Paperback) All I can say is wow! What an excellent book read! This book is so transparent and relevant. It is well written and will keep you engaged from beginning to end. Celi Dean has done an excellent job of sharing her life experiences in a way that will definitely encourage, redirect, and caution someone who might be contemplating making a poor choice. It is not too scholarly that it bores the average reader, yet it is scholarly enough that it engages those who are avid readers. Celi Dean, thank you for writing this book. So many people will be blessed and prayerfully redirect their steps after reading this. Well done!
This review is from: Recommitted: It's Not Too Late (Paperback)
I am so moved by the open and genuine nature of the author. Celi M. Dean is able to effectively present her wisdom in regards to relationships and sex in a way that can connect with women from all backgrounds. She is bold enough to candidly speak about many topics that the church tends to purposefully ignore. It is definitely a must have book for women who want to boldly and unashamedly recommitment themselves to a life of purity. I am so glad someone had the nerve to write a book like this. Definitely a great read!!! Thank you so much Celi for having the courage to write this book!
This review is from: Recommitted: It's Not Too Late (Paperback)
This is an awesome book to give to any woman (or man) who's struggling in their romantic relationships. Celi covers everything from infidelity to sex, celibacy, pregnancy, abortion, friendships, romantic relationships, jealousy/crazy/unhealthy behavior, good sex Vs. bad sex, homosexuality, sexual identity, scripture, healthy love, insecurity and more. Miss Dean even gives prayers and Bible scriptures as well as references and recommendations of other secular literature to back up her words, not to mention she shares her personal experience and leaves it all on the table for the reader. This book was an easy read, I finished it in one night and took lots of notes. After reading I feel more encouraged, I feel wiser in the steps I'll take moving forward in my romantic relationships, and more importantly I have a better understanding of how to become closer to God. Even if you're not a Christian Miss Dean makes the messaging in the story easy to understand without shoving her personal beliefs down your throat, and leaves open many possibilities/suggestions on what you can do to better your life and your situation. I would highly recommend you read this book if you haven't already!
Celi Marie Dean (CMD) is an International Servant, Engaging Speaker, Author and Producer who loves God and has a heart for people. As a former Miss Black USA 2005, Goodwill Ambassador to the Republic of The Gambia and Co-founder of non-profit “Community Aid Liberia”, Ms. Dean travels nationally and internationally empowering women and youth. Celi holds a Master’s in Social Work with a concentration in Management and Community Organizing from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Ms. Dean is an entrepreneur at heart and a true world changer! To learn more about Celi or to book her for your next event, visit her website at
Can't wait to get my hands on this book. 


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