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'He kicked me in the stomach, I peed on myself. He body-slammed me to the floor twice and told me he would kill me, no one will find my body.: In her journey to recovery, domestic violence survivor Christine R. M. Dennis-Freeman tells it all

Christine R. M. Dennis-Freeman recovers from domestic violence

The tragic story of Christine R. M. Dennis-Freeman, like that of Agnes Yarlee and Diane Hart before her, has brought the issue of domestic abuse out of the dark unspoken place it thrives and into the open.
It's horrendous that it takes the death of women, or an attempt to kill women, to get a serious debate  on the issue of domestic abuse. Discussing domestic violence in our society is a real taboo and most men within the Liberian society, don't even find the topic worth their time, as compared to discussing sports, politics and corruption. 
But these women mention above are just the tip of the iceberg.

Defying the odds, Mrs. Dennis-Freeman refuses to keep her mouth shut and go with the flow of the Liberian society.  She courageously sat in a wheel chair up to 1:30am, sharing her story with C Liberia Clearly.  In her own words, she walked us through the day that led to her horrific story.

 The Christine R. M. Dennis-Freeman story

 I left America on April 4th, 2017, the incident happened May 13, 2017.  Mr. Darus Freeman and I have been married for three months, but have been together, on and off, for 8yrs.
My husband got burned in Togo while baking.  I quickly boarded the plane and flew to Togo, to be by his side as he recovered.  The burn was not severe but I needed to be there for him.  After three days in Togo, we flew to Liberia because he had some business to take care of. Early one Friday morning, I saw him beating his 32yrs old sister.  I advised him to cut it out, that his action was wrong and he told me to stay out of it.  He walked out of the house and didn't returned until the next day.

 When he came back, I was in the kitchen cooking.  He told me not to cook, that he didn't want me doing anything.  Then, he asked me if he could look in my phone. I said no, but he started screaming, drawing attention to us.  I got embarrassed and gave him the phone.  He went in the bedroom, looking in my phone.  He called me in the room and asked "do you love me?" I said yes.  He asked, "why did you married me?" I told him because I loved him.  He asked, "are you cheating on me?" I said no.  He said, "you are lying, I have evidence.  Look at all these messages from your friends, asking you to have their sympathy because of your ex mother-in-law death."  I told him that I've been knowing my kids father for over 20yrs, people were extending their sympathy to me because of the kids, not because I am cheating on him with my kids father.  My husband told me that he was told,  that whenever I went to  Monrovia, the father of my kids and I do meet.

That's when he got a belt and started beating me.  I thought he was joking. He hit me with the belt so hard, that I fought back and took the first belt from him.  He got the second belt.  About an hour into beating me, he had used about six belts. When he got exhausted with the belts, he pulled my hair and kicked me in the stomach, I peed on myself.  He body-slammed me to the floor twice, on my back and told me, "I will kill you and no one will find your body."  That's when I knew I was in real danger. He choked me until I passed out. I found myself in a beautiful place. When I woke from the dream, he was still beating me.  I asked him where I was, he said  to me, "you pretending not to know where you are." That's when he called the house boy to bring a 2X2 stick.  He didn't like the first one the house boy brought, so he yelled at the boy to bring a bigger one.  He said, "I am so angry with you, I want to take your eyes out." He beat me with that 2X2, until I was bleeding everywhere.   At that moment, I stopped crying and I just started grunting. I gave up and surrender. I said my prayers to God, knowing I was going to died.  He told me if he had a gun, he would have used it to kill me. So, he cut my wrist.

  No one came to my rescue. After six hours of beating, he locked me into the closet.  He came back later with a needle.  I thought he was going to gouge my eyes out with it, but he poked my fingers with it and squeezed out my blood into a glass and mixed it with water.  He told me to drink the bloody mixture and swear to him by my kids while drinking my own blood, to prove that I am not cheating on him. He kept a small amount of the mixture and told me that he would take it to Togo, to a man who was going to used it to kill my kids, if I am cheating on him.

  The next day, he refused to send me to the hospital.  I convinced him to allow me to fly to the United States for treatment, promising him to return after the treatment.  I told him that if asked, I was going to tell folks that I had a motorcycle accident.  He bought the story and allowed me to leave under tight security, taking away all means of communication until I got into the terminal.  I had to be transported in a wheel chair.  The airline wanted to leave me in Brussels for treatment, but I refused. I just wanted to get back to my kids and family, where I felt loved and secured.   When I landed into the United States, I was rushed from the airport to the emergency room.  I am now in a wheel chair, diagnosed with slipped disc in the neck, broken backbones, and many more.

He have tried to communicate with me through Whats app, asking for my forgiveness, but refusing to let me know his where about.


  1. He is a psychopath, shameless man who is lack of self confidence. Walk away from a woman let her have her freedom. Why harm her in the pretense of love. Dennis you are crazy. Christine don't ever go back. The next time will be your actual death. Let him deal with his love you in his own world.

    1. Nimeley, you are so right. This guy is real psychopath. Women always fall for men like him. But glory be to God Almighty for saving Christine's life. These guys know how to manipulate women, making them to believe that they love them women until that moment of truth. My advise to Christine is that she divorce from this devil immediately then find way to have him arrested and persecuted. These type of men give us men bad raps. Darus must be jailed for his crimes.

    2. Please be safe! This is horrific. May God give you strength to NEVER go back.


  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was on the plane with you! I am in tears! I am soooooo sorry. I am speechless. I am here when you need me. What can i do? Please inbox me or have a family member to do it if you can not. I am here for you. I will share this on my page.

  3. wish the international community could help me go to Liberia and help with its gender based violence program. In Guinea we were trained from scratch to pass on knowledge about this age old human rights violation and I started out as a community trainer until I excelled to one of the top positions of local program officer of the Fern Holland Legal Aid Clinic in NZerekore. My passion was to see GBV erased but it went down hill though before I left those shores. It takes committed, dedicated people to see GBV go. I worked for ARC,IRC in collaboration with UNHCR, Medecin Sans Frontier and the Guinean government. A guy like the one described herein would have been taken to court, judged and sent to jail. Liberia needs a workable GBV program. If there was one this guy would be arrested even while the victim is gone. He is no psychopath. He is a sound minded individual who needs to be though about respecting the rights of women enshrined in the charter of rights and freedom which Liberia is a signatory to. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If I had support, I can make GBV go down hill in Liberia in five years. I know how to get the teams to do this. Right now I am in Canada and thinking about this every time but it"s like the international community has no opening for expats. The local staffs they are using at NGO level might just not have the expertise. Thanks to honorable Isaac Tukpah for sharing this horror story on Facebook.

  4. He is the devil himself and he's so wicked and shameless, after all he did, almost kill you, he still have the gust to open his demonic mouth and say he love you and that he needs second dear If i were you i will make sure he disappread from the face of the earth before i do. He doesn't deserve to live. He must be an agent of the devil sent to destroy women but thank God he had been discovered. Stay far away from this devil ok cuz God Save you for a reason. I am so sorry and i wish you speedy recovery

  5. He is evil and pathetic. I have seen the likes of him. He must be in Togo or Ghana or one of those west african countries. Please do not release the guy who aided and abetted on such hideous crime. If it wasn't for the guidance of Jehovah Christine would be dead today. God will heal you Christine. The true character of a person is never hidden long. We will pray, he will surface. What psychopath! Your put your hands in this witchcraft business so much that your hearts and minds are polluted with sheer evil disguising yourself as Mr. Handsome. May the power of the most high God arrest you wherever you are. You'd remain restless for eternity. There is nothing that can shield you wherever you are. Weakling.

  6. Oh my God! this guy is a psychopath, a demon incarnate ! Such person should not be allow to walk with impunity, but rather should face the full weight of the law. What would he say or do if another man does that to his mother or sister? He's an idiot, a selfish bitch.

  7. IM Mack THE MEEK. I'm sorry Christian, I believe that your inner being has told you what to do.....GIRLS FROM BASSA DONT TAKE MESS, Remember That...........

  8. I am so fucking angry I don't know what to do to myself. So after all this FOOL did he has the guts to send a text and say 'I didn't mean to hurt you'. Aboa! Kwasia! Did you expect her to cum from what you were doing to her? Did you expect her to be sexually aroused by the beating? I've heard stories of people beating their spouses but so far yours is the sickest and most twisted. Thunder fire you wherever you are and may God severely punish you! An animal is better than you because even they don't treat their own like this! Imbecile!!!! To the woman, I'm really glad you were smart enough to run away. I pray a God himself heals you! You are a strong woman. God bless you. ����

  9. i appeal to the wife to kindly accept his apologies and grant him a ticket to fly to the States for a family reunion.....

    1. Whaaaaaat! Why would you say such a thing. Are those bruises and that story not enough for you. U want him to be forgiven so he can come back and finish her of. Really!!!

    2. So he can be dealt with properly in the US jail...when he drops a bar of soap!

  10. After reading this sorry. I was in disbelief that such a man can do this to someone they suppose to love and cherish. I cry for you my dear and wish pain and jail time on your husband. What kind of animal is he? He deserve the same type of pain he caused on you. I wish you good health and real love in the future.

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