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Jewel Howard Taylor goes to war with Benoni Urey over tribute to Quincy B

6 March 2016 / Berenice Mulubah 

 The heat is on between Senator Jewel Howard Taylor and Hon. Benoni Urey.  Yesterday,  Senator Taylor took to social media responding to a tribute made to Quincy B by Honorable Urey.  It is not looking pretty between the two.    

Check out what she wrote: 

Today I am more saddened by the video put on social media by Hon Benoni Urey, a Father himself. This video shows how our children are taught negative life styles by those they trust and look up to, and practice what they see to their detriment.
This shows an evening of drinking hard core alcohol by young children, to the point where the song is about the liquor. The message I and others get from this video, especially as a mother, is that it's okay to drink and get drunk and drive. This tragic lesson, which is becoming the norm in our homes and our society, is the attending result of the many, many late nite accidents resulting in the loss of many of our young people. It sends a negative message.
Today, I make a plea to Hon Urey to please take down this video; as it does not showing this young genius in a positive light, but is instead showing that it's okay to drink, get drunk and drive.
Please note that this is not politics, a family is dying as a result of this huge loss, and to see their Son in this video must be more heart breaking.
Please, please , please take it down Sir.
Jewel Howard Taylor, a mother



  1. We should not take this statement by madam Taylor as a political engagement to battle Mr. Urey. I personally think she spoke rightfully about two main issues, that has to do with him being a father and political leader sitting with young people in a gathering with alcoholism taking over. wherein, the song that was being sang was cover with the subject liquor. We can't be mislead, the history of both of these individuals are known in our country. None is better than the other, they are "John Palm oil on John rice" both had the power to help Liberian youth when they was running the country. Instead, youth were used to be child soldiers, carry on multiple murders at home and within West Africa. They give the same alcohol and drugs to our young brothers and sisters. All was done for their selfish gains, so called wealth and for power in Liberia. All I can say is be wise young Liberians. The only difference between these two are, one is male and the other is female. Or maybe the former First Lady really cares now. Lol....��

    1. Am telling you oo..simply say it's true he always drunk that why he die of drunk driving but people only looking on the political side

  2. She make a very good point,i don't see anything political in that.that video was up days ago don't know if that was a tribute.but that person sef who put up that video ley people son died from drunk driving and they put up such a video?what messageare they passing on now.

    1. Am telling you oo..simply say it's true he always drunk that why he die of drunk driving but people only looking on the political side

  3. She make a very good point,i don't see anything political in that.that video was up days ago don't know if that was a tribute.but that person sef who put up that video ley people son died from drunk driving and they put up such a video?what messageare they passing on now.

    1. Am telling you oo..simply say it's true he always drunk that why he die of drunk driving but people only looking on the political side

  4. I have always supported most of the projects programs and proposal coming from your desk or taughts, but i like to respectfully disagree with you on this subject. QB as they call him was an adult and we should treat him as that. Every parent brings up children and those kids turns into adult u need to respect that, as a parent it is our duty to guide our kids at the same time respect them. If we go on criticism and or blaming parents for the actions of their adult children almost the whole world will be reprimanded...

  5. I see no problem with this video as it shows the musical genius of QB. The video shows no sign of him being drunk and singing about it. Cous Jewel needs to take her message/criticism elsewhere. That video shows QB's raw talent! Imaging taking simple thing as vodka or pencil and musicalizing it to make it sound appealing to the senses. Only a musical genius can do that. I really enjoy the video that is being trivialized as promoting drunkenness by my own cousin. Aey lor
    Cous Jewel, thanks, but not thanks yaaaa. Channel your message through a local advocacy group that is on the frontlines of fighting wastes and other forms of systemic abuses in Liberia.

    1. Seems like your views are completely distorted... Sadly, the video depicts him in a not so good light considering the insane arhumentsthat he never drank...he wasn't a drinker! His image was tarnished further as it validated the claims of those insisting he drank the night of. I don't think this means we are judging him, it only means we are staring at the truth, however. More importantly, how can we help save other lives from here on?

  6. Let her give people chance to read something else, what she J.H.T know abt parenting, where is her only son Philp Taylor n what good came out of her step children, Charles Taylo Jr, Zoe Taylor n the list go on.Ma pls put your home in other before trying to point at another Parent.Come to think about it, Mr Urey is a good parent more that you Mrs Taylor because we can see the difference between in the children of both home.

    1. Say it for me ohhh, wolf in sheep's clothing. those children are not under age and they were not force to take alcohol.

  7. Mrs. Taylor, what is the age range for drinking alcohol? The smallest among those guys was the late quincy. Father of a child, and has another pregnant lady, ran his own life the way he felt. Mr. Urey was the one that thought them how to drink, did he force them to drink?
    Can you give account of any of your children's life? Can u compare any of your children with Urey's Children?


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