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President George Manneh Weah makes additional appointments

President George Weah

Monrovia, Liberia - President George Manneh Weah has made additional appointments  pending confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

Ministry of Health
Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah
Deputy Minister for Prevention Services
 Mrs. Joyce W. Dunbar Sherman
Assistant Minister for Administration
James Forkpa
Ministry of Labor
Assistant Minister for Administration
Alexander S. Gargu
Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
Deputy Minister for Administration
Rebecca Biao Mcgill
Assistant Minister for Revenue and Tax Policy
Ojukun Nyenpan
Assistant Minister for External Resource & Debt Management
Archie N. Donmo
Liberia Electricity Corporation
Dep.  Managing Director Operations/Transmission and Distribution (LEC)
Joseph Y. Howe
Drugs Enforcement Agency
Deputy Director General for Operations
Marcus Soko
Forestry Development Agency
Deputy Managing Director for Operation
Joseph Tarlue
Dep. Managing Director for Administration
Tennessee Plewon III
Land Commission
 Dr. Othelo Brandy
 Atty J. Adams Manobah
Commissioner for Land Administration
J. Joseph Burgess Sr.
Commissioner Land Policy & Planning
Atty. Kula Jackson
Harry K. Sackie
Registrar of Deeds and Titles
Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment
Deputy Director
Joseph T. Williams
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Deputy Minister for Commerce & Trade
Nyema Wisner
Robert Flight Information Region
Dep.  Secretary for Administrative Affairs
Lasana B. Sannor
Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS)
Deputy for Rural Broadcasting
Boima J.V. Boima
Liberia National Police (LNP)
Deputy Inspector General
Prince Mulbah
Deputy Inspector General CSD/CID
General Services Agency
Deputy Director/Operations
Edris A. Bility
Liberia Institute of Public Administration
Dep. Director General for Administration LIPA
Atty. Manneh Teah Sr.
National Port Authority
Deputy Managing Director for Operation
Chris Wisner
National Transit Authority (NTA)
Herbbie McCauley
Myer Beaty
Deputy Director
Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism
Deputy Minister Technical Services
Boakai Fofana
Deputy Minister for Administration
Daniel Gaydu
Deputy Minister for Culture & Tourism
Lance K. Gbagonyon
Assistant for Technical Services
David Kolleh
Assistant for Tourism
Grace Roberts
Assistant for Administration
Jurah A. Sonoe
Ministry of Public Works
Mobutu Nyenpan
Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs
Claude Langley
Assistant Minister for Administration
J. Jefferson Chesson
Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority
Director General
Edward Smith
Deputy Director General for Operations
Mathew Jallah
Deputy Director General for Technical Services
Rufus T. Tarnue
Board Member
Cllr. Idella Cooper Shannon
Board Member
Dr. Fodee Kromah
Land Mines & Energy
Deputy Minister for Operations
Emmanuel O. Sherman
Deputy Minister for Planning and Development
Carlton Miller
Ministry of Defense
Deputy Minister for Administration
T. Olandrus Dickson
Deputy Minister for Operations
Ernest Vafee
Assistant Minister for Public Affairs
Sam Collins
Assistant Minister for Operations
Augustine Lamin
Assistant Minister for Planning, Policy & Operations
Rudolph Kolako
Assistant Minister for Administration
Maime Hayford Pearson
Ministry of Transportation
Samuel A. Wlue
Deputy Minister for Administration & Insurance
Sirleaf Tyler
Deputy Minister for Land &Rail
J. Darius Kollie
Assistant Minister for Insurance & Administration
Nuwo Scott
Assistant Minister for Land & Rail
Joseph Robert
Ministry of Youth & Support
Assistant Minister for Youth Services
Emmanuel Johnson
Assistant Minister for TVET
Millias Z. Sheriff
Ministry of Education
Deputy Minister for Instructions
Alexander Doupu
Assistant Minister for Science, Technology, Vocational & Special Education
 Henrietta M. Sackor
National Fisheries & Aquaculture Authority (NFAA)
National Fisheries
Emma Metieh Glassco
National Investment Commissions
Executive Director
Molewuleh B. Gray
 Ministry of Agriculture
Assistant Minister for Research & Extension Service
Alvin C. Wesseh
Superintendent Nimba
D. Dorr Cooper
Superintendent Rivergee
Philip Nyenuh
Superintendent Rivercess
Ruth Sawmadal
Superintendent Grand Gedeh
Kai Farley
Superintendent Lofa
William Tamba Kamba
Ministry of Justice
Assistant Minister for Public Safety
Atty. Fredrick F. Noah
Assistant Minister for Litigation
Atty. Wesseh A. Wesseh
National House Authority
Tugbeh C. Tugbeh
Deputy Managing Director
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Deputy Minister for Legal
Dwede Gray
Liberia Civil Aviation Authority
Director General
J. Emmanuel Nuquay
Ministry of States for Presidential Affairs
Advisor to the President for Economics
Charles Bright
Director of Cabinet
Jordan Sulonteh
National Security Advisor
Jefferson S.  Kanmoh
Deputy Minister for Administration
J. Wesseh Blamoh
Ministry of Post and Telecommunication
Deputy Minister for Post & Telecommunications
Cllr. Edward Goba
Assistant Minister for Post & Telecommunications
Atty. Solomon Boe

National Bureau of Concessions
Director General
Gregory Coleman
Local Aid de Camps
B/Gen. Bob Dweh
Jr. Aid de Camp
B/Gen. Abraham S. Bolor
Lofa County
B/Gen. Wilmot K. Tompoe
Grand Bassa County
B/Gen. David Boyah
Rivercess County
B/Gen. Tarpeh S. Loumbaye
Nimba County
B/Gen. Abraham M. Dongobo
Bomi County
B/Gen. Sam Brownell
Monsterrado County
B/Gen. Rajah Toe
River Gee County
B/Gen. Boakai Sarnor
Gbarpolu County
B/Gen. Stanley G. S. Stubblefield
Margibi County
B/Gen. Theophilus T. Nah
Grand Kru County
B/Gen.  Manneh W. Manneh
Sinoe County
B/Gen. Sampson Seyeker
Bong County
B/Gen. Harry Dorsee
Maryland County
B/Gen. Blama O. Koroma
Grand Cape Mount County


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