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Exclusive Interview with Skin Whitening Mogul Rose Fualem aka Rose Fualila

Rose Fualem aka Rose Fualila
As the discussion of bleaching heats up on social media and around the world, some African nations are taking preventative measures to prevent citizens from being expose to products that are consider damaging.  C Liberia Clearly reached out to one of the voices which promotes bleaching, to discuss the issue.

Before diving into the discussion of bleaching, could you give our viewers a brief history of who you are?

My name is Rose Fualem, commonly known as Rose Faulila.  I am an entrepreneur in the beauty industry.  I've also served in the medical field for six years as a nurse.  I'm original from Cameroon. 

 What led you into bleaching your skin?
For many years, I suffered from skin pigmentation disorders on my back and acne scar on my face.  The discoloration made me look and feel like a monster.  When I moved to the United States, I visited a dermatologist.  He gave me a product that ended up lighten my back, but not getting rid of the actual spots I was trying to removed.  My back was getting lighter, but the spots were not.  So, I did some  research and came up with few natural ingredients that I believed would help.  I took it to my dermatologist, we worked on it together and came up with a cream that worked.  That is how my product came into existence. The product removed the spots, but left my back lighter.  To even up my skin tone, I started using it all over my body.  I have no regrets, because now I feel confident and I am helping others within my community. 
Many around the world are concern about possible health issues from bleaching, are you not worry about the side effects?
There are many bleaching products out there that concerns me.  These products have harmful ingredients that is not good for your health.  I am fully aware of that. I will say to anyone who wants to bleach, for whatever reasons, do your research.  Many of the products are not save, but our product is. Our products do not contain any hydeoQuinone, mercury or steroids.  Whitenup is a Botanical cosmetic, vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acids, which can actually stimulate the growth of new collagen in the skin.  The bearberry extract in our product is a natural ingredient that contains antioxidants known to kill free radicals that can damage the skin and cause wrinkles. 

Many believe that skin bleaching is a destructive behavior that symbolizes self hate.  How do you deal with the negative stigma of bleaching? 
I get criticize daily. The blogs have eaten me alive. Some have called me a ghost, that I look like Micheal Jackson and I've been told that I have low self esteem. That is far from the truth.  At the end of the day, bleaching is a personal choice like smoking and getting plastic surgery. This is my body and my choice.  You shouldn't need skin problems to bleach.  If you are uncomfortable with your complexion, you should be able to make the decision to bleach without being bashed.  I consider myself a voice for women who bleaches.  People do a lot of things to their bodies that are destructive and don't get judge, why should bleaching be treated differently, especially when using a save product like Whitenup Cosmetic.  My company is not limited to lightening products, I have products for stretch marks, and product for those who wants to maintain their beautiful dark complexion, but it is funny how the media only wants to talk about my lightening products. 
How much do you make a month from selling bleaching creams? 
The minimum amount I make in a week is $15,000.  Yes, I do make good money from this industry, but I am really in this to help give people confident in their appearance.  
Do you have any advice for our views?  
Light skin doesn't equal more attractive skin.  When it comes down to it, it is really all about personal preference.  If you decide to bleach, do it and don't be ashamed.   There are some people who are ashamed to admit that they are using the very product they are selling.  I bleach and I am so proud of myself.  I am proud to help those in my community who needs help with their skin and I am proud to be a voice to those who bleach.

Do you have any new products coming up?
Yes, I will be debuting my hairline next month.  For more informations, visit Whitenup Cosmetics


  1. Low self esteem period.Go read ur Bible woman. U need Jesus hun.

  2. Way to go beautiful,As u said,it is a personal choice.i have very thin skin,or I would go for it myself.

  3. Leave the girl alone, I'm sure a lot of people do things in the dark that people will not approve of so mind your business. I know Rose personally and no one has more confidence that she does. People saying low self-esteem, please she would wipe the floor with any haters.


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