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Master Queen Clapped Back at Social Media Trolls with Inspiring Message

Like her stage name "Master Queen" Grace Weah response to recent trolls is royal.  She is not just the Queen of the airwaves, she is the Master Queen and directed her response as such.  Check it out below: 

This thing started back in 2008— I really didn’t think it would grow this big. My hopes were in God, to impact the game and empower the young to be what they can be.
I was aware that the task was daunting; I was aware that hate would come and I was prepared for it by being selfless and motivating. I don’t wish for battles, I don’t sling mud or wish people bad; in my imperfections, I try to be everybody’s friend and keep the concentration on my goal of impacting and empowering young talents and extending my brand in different professions and different countries. I know gaining a reputation as an entertainer doesn’t come easy, it takes work, but it also takes the mind to accept hate—to pay hate with good.
Honestly, I really think there is no need for all this; the fights, the drama, and backstabbing in the industry and a country we’re trying to put on the map. We got one goal, one prize and that is, to make Liberia entertainment better. It’s okay to fight because that adds beauty to the game but we must not lose focus and we must always remember that this budding industry can be better than this.
We are not there yet, a lot more can be achieved if we forget about small battles and start thinking outside the box.
I just got this one advice, and it’s for all of us: in our quest for stature, we must not be disrespectful to people that are ahead, we must instead humble ourselves and learn from them. That’s the number one rule that got me this far—humbleness.
I wish all of you the best. In the meantime, I hope Y'all getting ready for the premiere of Brown Sugar (The Wedding). Cuz we global!


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