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Monrovia City Mayor At African Capital Cities Forum: Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee Is At The Verge Of Illuminating The City Of Monrovia Through His International Lobbying Power

Jefferson T. Koijee, Mayor of the Monrovia City Corporation - MCC  uses his tuatara to seek international support from South Africa, Japan, Morocco and other partnering nations around the globe.
His participation in the African Capital Cities Forum hosted in South Africa this year which began on June 5, 2018 and ends June 7, 2018 is intended to handle series of major challenges faced by cities in Africa comprising of transportation, waste management, finance, water and sanitation, climate change and energy, has boosted the developmental agenda of the City of Monrovia.
The African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum is a renowned and puissant forum with flourishing community of mayors from various capital cities across the African continent hosted in Tshwane, South Africa bringing together thirty-five capital cities of the fifty-four nations in Africa. In making the City of Monrovia very safe and clean, sustainable and efficient, Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee championed the cause of the City of Monrovia to the Mayor of Tshwane and the government of South Africa to extend their cordiality in creating a student exchange program between the University of Liberia and University of Cape Town, Johannesburg and provide buses to help take students to and fro the campuses of the University of Liberia.
 He added that the authority of the City of Monrovia is faced with major challenges that need to be addressed. Among these include solid waste management, manpower to enforce the city's stature, housing, low security, equipment to collect waste, human resource capacity, finance, etc.
He also pleaded to the Mayor of Tshwane and the government of South Africa to donate to the City of Monrovia ambulances and fire trucks as the city is exposed to diseases and other health related catastrophes. This would help in dealing with challenging situations such as fire disaster and means of compensating the sick to hospitals or clinics.
 After joining other visionary mayors from around Africa to share his dream, Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee served as one of the panellists and made mention that his major aim and objective is to make sure that the City of Monrovia becomes one of the most beautiful cities in Africa by keeping it safe and clean, engage the aspect of public transportation, provide job opportunities for youths and so on. His commitment in achieving this dream remains paramount in accordance with the pro-poor agenda, he said.


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